International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
- James Adams: Mercury Release from New Dental Amalgams.
- H. Vasken Aposhian: The Mercury Mysteries, All for One and One For All.
- Maths Berlin: Systemic Side Effects of Silver Fillings.
- Mary Ann Chirba-Martin: Dental Amalgams, Informed Consent and FDA Classification.
- Walter Jess Clifford: Screening With Materials Reactivity Testing To Reduce Patient Risk.
- Paul Connett: Fluoridation and the Arrogance of Power.
- Boyd Haley: Mercury and Associated Neurological Diseases.
- Mark Richardson: The Risks of Mercury Amalgam Fillings.
- Frederick vom Saal: Potential for Adverse Health Effects Due to Oral Exposure to Bisphenol A.
- John Wilson: Detox.